Friday, March 2, 2012

Parker 5 months

Parker is 5 months today!
I cannot believe where the time has gone!
At the same time it feels like he has always been here.

He is growing beautifully and becoming more active everyday!  I can no longer leave him alone in the swing, Bumbo or bounce seat without strapping him down super tight.  He will climb and wiggle right out.  I started grabbing his mobile on the swing to stop it from spinning.  He thought it was hilarious.  
Parker loves tummy time which I vowed to never make my child do after Hannah hated it so much.  I just makes me realize how much she was hurting from acid re-flux.  I thought all babies hated tummy time but I was wrong!  Parker started taking a pacifier this month, praise God.  I love pacifiers as you can tell from thispicture that my almost 4-year-old still uses hers.  
Parker is almost sitting.  I you get him in the right position he can sit for a minute or so by himself but he has to really want to.  He started "crawling" on his back using his head like a caterpillar.  It is super weird to watch but he arches his back and pushes himself with his head to get places.
He is still in love with his sister and loves to go on outings with her.  He started eating once in the morning then anticipates that we will be out having fun until nap-time (1:00ish) and doesn't need to eat again until we get home.  It is bizarre to not need to stop and eat every 2-3 hours but I am loving the freedom, especially since we are still exclusively nursing.  I tried to get him to take a bottle this month but he really didn't like it at all and I am always worried that if I do get him to take it he will want to stop nursing, so I am not stressing out about it.
He is out of 0-3 month clothes and on to 3-6.  We are now using cloth diapers as much as we can at home and disposables when we are out of the house.  This is working well for us since I can just use what I feel like.
Parker is still sleeping about the same, from 11:00-7:00 but sometimes goes to bed a little earlier.
His naps are all over the place, we may need to start working on that some this month :) I never scheduled Hannah's naps and she became very sleep deprived. But she also never slept as good at night.
I love him so much and can't wait to see what happens next!
Parker's 5 month stats: 14.4 lbs