Sunday, June 3, 2012

Parker is 8 Months!

Parker is now 8 months old!
He is still all smiles and giggles.  The only time his is upset is when he gets lonely, hungry, sleepy or getting a new tooth.  I swear he is getting he fifth tooth very soon.
We have been having a lot of fun with his diet.  He loves grapes so I have been hand feeding him them so he doesn't get any skin and he loves it.  He also has been drinking juice in a (failed) attempt to get him to start taking a bottle.  That is right his does not take a bottle, ever.  He has had too many veggies and fruit purees to count but besides grapes he has also tried strawberries and blackberries and gobbled them both up.  
This month he started saying mama and it is so wonderful!  He says mama whenever he wants me, which is a lot . It is so different than it was with Hannah.  She started saying mama a lot younger but it didn't seem to have as much meaning like it does with Parker it was more babble.
Parker started pulling up, on everything.  He has started crawling but he is still kind of lazy about it, only crawling to what he wants about 3 feet away.  I kept missing it.  He would be in one spot I would turn around and he would be across the room, finally I caught him in the act, but not on camera yet.
He started cruising today which I think he will prefer to crawling.  It is so amazing to see my tiny 15lb 8 month old looking like he might walk soon!
Parker got in the pool for the first time this month and he really loves the water but I don't think he likes the 80 degree water as much as Hannah and I do.
We also left him alone with a babysitter (my parents) to go on our very first date since he was born.  I have serious attachment problems but it was time. 
I love him more and more every day and I cannot wait to see what wonderful personality will show up next!

Parker 8 month stats:
weight 15lb 6oz
We will see a new Pediatrician next month for his 9 month check up to get more stats.