Wednesday, February 17, 2010

It's Friday!

1. "Please Daddy?" I taught this to Hannah this week to manipulate her daddy (something I am very good at). It is hilarious to watch her want some thing from him and sweetly say "Please Daddy?" and him cave.
2. Her Baby stroller. She has played with this off and on since we got it for her about 6 months ago but Wednesday she found it and had me get it out and played with it for hours. She took turns pushing Daytona, her dolly and the "mommy" from her doll house set. She told me, "I push the momma in the stroller."
3. Being a daddy's girl. She has always loved her daddy very much but earlier this week she would only want daddy. It lasted for several days. I was honestly feeling a little sad and neglected.
4. Trash. She loves to throw things away and is usually really good at telling what is trash and what is not. Tissues, wrappers, small bits of paper are trash. Toys, pens, ect. not trash. I saw her throw a tissue away and told her it was good. Then I saw her throw another away. Then I saw she was pulling new tissues from the box just to throw them away.
5. Pink Crocs. Someone gave us some hand-me-down shoes including a pair of pink crocks two sizes too big. Hannah insists on wearing them around the house whenever she remembers about them.

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