Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Busiest year ever!

The first two weeks of 2012 have been crazy busy for us!
I had a bridal shower on the first, a party at my house on the third, Preston and I had a wedding in Lousiana on the 7th so we made a long weekend of it and drove out Friday and came back Sunday. No pictures of that trip :(.  I spent to much time catching up on missed showers and getting pampered with room service.
On the 11th was our Church baby blessing.  We dedicated Parker.  Here are some cute picts of the family.
I love how in this one they both have open mouths.
We spent a little time relaxing, then..
Hannah was a flower girl for cousin Gordan and Ewelina's wedding.
Rehearsal was Thursday the 12th and the wedding was the 13th.
Hannah was precious and did a great job!
It was a loong start to a new year but on Saturday we still had time to get the swing down from the attic.
Now we have one super happy boy.

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