Thursday, August 2, 2012

Parker is 10 months

Parker is 10 months and I am pround to say he made it this far!
Do you ever do things like make sure you have leave the car seat, just in case.  Or know where to go in an emergency, just in case.  Always knowing that nothing bad will happen?  Well this month something bad happened.  Parker got a hood stuck in his eye.  Or rather his eye stuck on a hook, attached to a dresser.  We had a traumatic 9th month!  After several stitches and stint for his tear duct he is back to normal!
We have had an incredibly hectic 9th month.  

Week one started out with a nursing strike.  If you have not heard of that you are not alone.  I could not figure out why my baby would not want my ample and delicious milk.  After talking to my good friend and midwife Kelli, she filled me in.  He did not nurse for two days and after about 36 hours he finally figured out how to take a bottle.
The end of the week was our 9 month check up with our new pediatrician.  She was not happy with Parker's weight and there was some disagreement with her assessment.  So long story very short, we are on to pediatrician number 4 in two months.
Two days after Parker had surgery he started standing up on his own!  and a week later he took his first steps!  He is such a big boy for being such a little guy!
This month he also did not sleep through the night for 26 days in a row.  That was the longest he has ever gone since birth.  We are still not back to normal from teething and surgery it has been so long since we cried it out successfully that we really need to get back in the swing of things.
Parker also started saying Hannah this past week he actually says "Nannah" and usually is yelling it but it is so precious to see him calling his sister.  He is up to several discriminate words now.  Mama, Dada, Nannah, and Ba (ball)
Parker is still one of the sweetest, happiest babies I have ever seen!  He always has the best smile on his face and I love him so much it hurts!  One of my favorite things about him is that he gives them most amazing hugs.  I am not sure if it is because he is a baby or because he never is still but he will give me a hug for 10+ seconds and it is wonderful.
On an unrelated manor...Grangran, Aunt Carleen, Parker and I took Hannah to the American Girl store last week.  I have not had that much fun all summer!  We will be going again soon!

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